Thursday, February 25, 2010


We're all enamored with the ease of the internet. How did we live without it before? And truly it has made a lot things a lot easier. Where is the nearest dog grooming place. What time does the movie start. When does the store close.

Alas - the internet is not the cure-all. As a matter of fact, the internet can bungle some things, particularly in job search. We live in a point-click society. You see something that strikes your fancy - point-click. But that becomes a double-edged sword in job search. Companies don't want to get your resume just because it strikes your fancy. Job search is a very serious matter - not like checking out the latest movie or book. We need to have a way to deliver just the qualified candidates to companies - we need the Third Option.


  1. The internet has caused a number of problems for job seekers. Among other things, many employers now will only accept a resume via e-mail. Remember when we used to agonize over which classy paper stock would make our resume stand out? Forget that. Now we don't even have control over how it is formatted.

    Employers utilize internet searches to "vet" potential employees. They check your credit score and credit history. They track what you have been “tweeting” and posting on LinkedIn . They track your comments on other people’s posts. They check out your Facebook page. They Google you.

    Unfortunately, other people with your same name are out there doing unsavory things. How can potential employers separate the fact from the fiction when there is so much information available today? The truth is, they can’t. And that’s a problem.

    I would be interested in knowing what the Third Option is, because clearly we all need one.

  2. Kay - you and I must have been born around the same time. I still have that classy stock of paper you're referring to - I'm keeping it as a keepsake - for posterity - for the Smithsonian. Maybe I can sell it on e-bay. It may be worth a lot of money one day.

    On the same note, what has been taken out of the job search equation is pride and dignity. I am trying to put it back in. I have created a new job search engine - one that does NOT rely on key-word identification, one that utilizes professional interaction between candidate and employer in a dignified manner. I have gotten a lot of very positive reaction to it. The Third Option is my company - - a hybrid between job boards and recruiting firms. I invite you to check it out. I am truly hoping to change the job search world - even if it's one person at a time.
